A Systematic Review on the Effectiveness of Digital Game-Based Learning in the Development of Vocabulary Skills

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Lyka Marie Morales
Jan Rey Castillo
Rovie Cuarte


This systematic review examines the effectiveness of digital game-based learning (DGBL) for vocabulary development across diverse educational contexts. Through an analysis of experimental studies conducted between 2014 and 2024, the study highlights how DGBL significantly enhances learner engagement and vocabulary retention, particularly for communicative ability. Important variables that greatly influence these results include learner age, game design, and previous gaming experience. Recommendations for educators, policymakers, and future research are provided, emphasizing the importance of context-sensitive DGBL implementation in vocabulary instruction.

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Morales, L. M., Castillo, J. R., & Cuarte, R. (2024). A Systematic Review on the Effectiveness of Digital Game-Based Learning in the Development of Vocabulary Skills. International Journal of Multidisciplinary Studies in Higher Education, 1(1), 58–66. https://doi.org/10.70847/586368


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