Meta Artificial Intelligence Literacy of University Students: A Comparative Analysis
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This study aims find the level of meta-artificial intelligence (AI) literacy in male and female students at the University of Mindanao. First, meta AI literacy involves a comprehensive understanding, application, evaluation, and ethical engagement with AI technologies. The study made use of a quantitative, non-experimental correlational design and gathered data from 325 students through a structured online survey. The survey instrument was adapted from Carolus et al. (2023), which assessed various aspects of AI literacy, from knowledge, application, ethics, to self-efficacy. The study used stratified sampling for an equal representation of academic levels and genders. Descriptive statistics, t-tests, and ANOVA were used to compare AI literacy scores of male and female students and to examine the connection between literacy and academic performance. Now, the results revealed that AI literacy levels were moderate for both genders, with small differences between male and female students. Female students scored slightly higher in AI ethics, while male students displayed greater confidence in AI application, but these variances were not statistically significant. The study emphasizes the importance of customized teaching method to enhance AI literacy skills, especially in application, across all student demographics. This research offers valuable insights into AI literacy among university students and presents recommendations for improving AI education within the curriculum.
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