Teaching by Example: Evaluating Mentoring Practices Among Cooperating Teachers
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While most of the studies center on the experiences of cooperating teachers, only a few are investigated on the encounters of pre-service teachers. This descriptive-correlational study aimed to assess the mentoring practices of the cooperating teachers along three key dimensions: personal, pedagogical, and professional mentoring. The study involved 62 purposively-selected pre-service teachers enrolled in the second semester of 2023-2024 at a private Catholic university. They were randomly deployed in the three public and one private cooperating schools in Ozamiz City. The study revealed that the cooperating teachers highly practiced personal mentoring practices (▁x=3.57), pedagogical mentoring practices (▁x=3.50), and professional mentoring practices (▁x=3.45). The study also found no significant correlation between the teachers’ mentoring practices and their age and years of experience as cooperating teachers. However, there was a significant correlation between their years of teaching experience and their personal and pedagogical mentoring practices. Based on the results of the study, it was recommended to conduct continuous orientations and training for cooperating teachers to better equip them with mentoring skills. Further, the study supported to conduct a qualitative inquiry to clarify and deduce pre-service teachers' experiences.
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