Leaders Helping Leaders: Strategic Leadership and Mentoring Experiences of Young Leaders in North Cotabato
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This study delves into the dynamic experiences of youth leaders, specifically student council presidents and vice presidents, across various colleges in North Cotabato. These young leaders navigated the complexities of strategic leadership and mentoring, balancing their roles as students and community representatives. Employing a qualitative phenomenological approach, the research captured the richness of their lived experiences. The Colaizzi method was utilized for data analysis, ensuring an in-depth and systematic exploration of the participants’ narratives. Ten student leaders, purposively selected, shared insights that brought to light key themes: Duties and Responsibilities of Student Leaders, Acquired Leadership Training and Seminars, Challenges in Achieving Effective Leadership, Schools’ Initiatives in Sponsoring Leadership Programs, Specificity of Institutional Training, Training Frequency, Leadership Enhancement Through Mentoring, Exposure to Strategic Leadership, Mentors’ Impact, and Passion and Inspiration Derived from Mentors. The findings revealed that leadership training and seminars facilitated by both internal and external institutions significantly shaped the participants' skills and perspectives. Mentorship emerged as a powerful force, with mentors imparting valuable strategies and providing inspiration that deepened the participants' leadership vision. These experiences strengthened their leadership abilities and ignited a passion for service and excellence in their respective roles. This study highlights the indispensable role of institutional initiatives and mentorship in cultivating student leaders. It underscores how tailored leadership programs and guided mentoring journeys equip youth leaders with the confidence, resilience, and skills needed to excel in their dual roles as students and future changemakers.
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