Learning Sustainable Agriculture through Mathematics: Development of a Project-Based Learning Package in Teaching Mathematics for Grade 10 Level

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Kimberly T. Chua
Claide B. Mataverde
Ma. Victoria P. Ygoña
Kenneth G. Romagos
Ivy Lyt S. Abina
Orville J. Evardo Jr.


This study explores the integration of sustainable agriculture concepts into mathematics education through the development of a project-based learning package for Grade 10 students. The goal is to enhance students' 21st-century skills while demonstrating the relevance of mathematics to real-life applications. Using thematic analysis of data gathered from interviews with three agricultural experts and three experienced mathematics teachers, the study identified key themes that interconnect sustainable agriculture and mathematical concepts. The findings highlight that sustainable agriculture can serve as a practical context for learning mathematics, fostering both critical thinking and problem-solving skills. This interdisciplinary approach bridges theoretical knowledge with practical application, enriching mathematics education by embedding it in meaningful, real-world scenarios. It also contributes to sustainable agriculture education by promoting awareness and skills essential for addressing global sustainability challenges. Future research should explore broader agricultural concepts and their potential mathematical connections to further enhance interdisciplinary learning opportunities.

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How to Cite
Chua, K., Mataverde, C., Ygoña, M. V., Romagos, K., Abina, I. L., & Evardo Jr., O. J. (2025). Learning Sustainable Agriculture through Mathematics: Development of a Project-Based Learning Package in Teaching Mathematics for Grade 10 Level. International Journal of Multidisciplinary Studies in Higher Education, 2(1), 26–40. https://doi.org/10.70847/590761


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