The Mediating Effect of AI Application in the Relationship between AI Awareness and AI Trust
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In education, AI awareness is crucial in building trust and effective application of AI technologies among users. By understanding AI’s capabilities and limitations, learners can develop a more informed trust in AI systems, enhancing their ability to apply AI effectively in practical scenarios. This study investigates how AI applications influence the relationship between AI awareness and trust among university students in the Philippines' Regions XI and XII. The study used a quantitative, non-experimental correlational method, with 1161 university L2 learners chosen by stratified random selection. Data was gathered by online surveys with questions scored on a 5-point Likert scale, as revealed by Ng et al. (2022) and Wang et al. (2023). SmartPLS version 4.0 was used for bootstrapping mediation analysis, while Jamovi 2.0 was used for statistical analysis of descriptive data. The findings revealed significant relationships between AI awareness and AI application (coefficients ranging from 0.831 to 0.875) and AI application and AI trust (coefficient = 0.329). The mediation study revealed a substantial indirect influence of AI awareness on AI trust through AI application (coefficient = 0.167), emphasizing the potential of experiential learning-based training strategies to improve AI competency and trust. These findings give useful insights for building AI educational programs that increase student acceptance and trust in AI technology.
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