Exploring The Mediating Role of Fear of Negative Evaluation Between Perfectionism and Academic Stress

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Loremie Masunag
Graceshine Cadungon
Client Junnil Pasaol


The study uses a quantitative approach to examine how fear of negative evaluation mediates the relationship between language anxiety and academic stress among college students in Mindanao, Philippines. Data were collected online with adapted questionnaires through Google Forms, and participants were selected using stratified random sampling. To ensure accuracy, validity, and reliability tests were conducted on the measurement model. Descriptive statistics were used to outline the main constructs, and mediation analysis was performed using bootstrapping in SmartPLS 4.0 on the proposed model. The findings reveal that perfectionism has a significant total effect on academic stress (β = 0.328, T = 8.797, p < 0.000), highlighting its considerable impact on students' stress levels. Additionally, the fear of negative evaluation (FNE) shows a smaller but significant effect on academic stress (β = 0.164, f² = 0.025, t = 3.857, p = 0.000), indicating a modest increase in stress among students with high FNE. These results underscore the importance of exploring additional factors that may contribute to academic stress, providing a more comprehensive understanding of its multifaceted nature.

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How to Cite
Masunag, L., Cadungon , G., & Pasaol, C. J. (2024). Exploring The Mediating Role of Fear of Negative Evaluation Between Perfectionism and Academic Stress. International Journal of Multidisciplinary Studies in Higher Education, 1(1), 79–91. https://doi.org/10.70847/587960


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