The Mediating Effect of Language Enjoyment on the Relationship between L2 Grit and Language Proficiency
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This quantitative study examines Region XI, Philippines' college students' L2 grit and language proficiency as mediated by their language learning motivation. It employed a stratified random sampling technique to decide its participants while Google Forms collected its data. Validity and reliability tests and descriptive statistics were used to describe the constructs used to assess its tools. SmartPLS 4.0 standard algorithm bootstrapping was also employed to evaluate the hypothesized model for the mediation analysis. On its findings, the tools are proven valid and reliable. In L2 grit and language enjoyment, the participants demonstrated a high level. Meanwhile, a slightly more than adequate language proficiency was also revealed. In the mediation analysis, language enjoyment substantially mediated the relationship between L2 grit and language proficiency.
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