The Relationship Between Procrastination and Academic Stress Among University Students

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Shanelle Marie Catacutan
Mark Joel Ortiz
Trigeanne Desiree Mangadlao
Rissa Joyce Mission
Ruby Gayle Nonong
Dianne Mariz Obenza


The study examines how Procrastination is associated with increased academic stress among university students, specifically perceiving how procrastination impacted their mental health. The study uses a quantitative research strategy and a non-experimental correlation approach, where data is collected from 409 university students, applying a sampling technique. Two reliable and validated questionnaires are utilized to extract data from the study using Google Forms. The findings suggest a moderate yet significant relationship between procrastination and academic stress, where procrastination only explains 11.4% of the variance in academic stress. It implies that procrastination is a critical predictor of stress among university students. Hence, students who procrastinate are more likely to experience heightened academic stress and may experience pressure to perform and time constraint, which aligns with previous research suggesting that procrastination leads to adverse academic outcomes, as indicated by its positive regression coefficient. The study contributes to the body of knowledge and fresh data about procrastination and academic stress among university students by presenting the possible effects of procrastination that may lead to coping strategies and applicable academic policies.

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How to Cite
Catacutan, S. M., Ortiz, M. J., Mangadlao, T. D., Mission , R. J., Nonong, R. G., & Obenza, D. M. (2024). The Relationship Between Procrastination and Academic Stress Among University Students. International Journal of Multidisciplinary Studies in Higher Education, 1(1), 12–21.


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