Continuing Professional Development Engagement And Pedagogical Competence of Public Elementary School Teachers

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Arnel Calamba Camral
Gideon Sindad Sumayo


While existing studies have explored the impact of Continuing Professional Development (CPD) on educators’ overall performance, there is a lack of focused research on its specific influence on the pedagogical competence of public elementary school teachers in the Aleosan East District, Aleosan, Cotabato, Philippines. This study aimed to evaluate the pedagogical competence of teachers, addressing the gap where previous research predominantly focused on student evaluations of teacher competence. Specifically, the study utilized a descriptive-correlational research design to examine the relationship between socio-demographic profiles, CPD engagement, and pedagogical competence of 76 public elementary school teachers selected through convenient sampling. To achieve this, data were gathered using an adapted survey questionnaire. The findings revealed several noteworthy insights. Firstly, most respondents were female, ranked as Teacher I (55.3%), and held a Master’s Degree (69.7%). Additionally, the highest teaching experience category was 0-6 years (35.53%). Furthermore, teachers demonstrated pedagogical competence, with an overall mean score of 4.51. However, socio-demographic characteristics showed a very weak and statistically insignificant relationship with pedagogical competence (p-value > 0.05). In terms of CPD activities, in-service training emerged as the most frequently engaged activity, with the highest mean score (2.96). Conversely, action studies had the lowest mean score (1.62), indicating less frequent engagement. Notably, CPD engagement also did not exhibit a statistically significant impact on pedagogical competence. The study highlights that teachers are pedagogically very competent regardless of their socio-demographic profiles or engagement in CPD activities, suggesting that factors beyond demographics and CPD participation contribute to their teaching effectiveness.

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Camral, A., & Sumayo, G. S. (2025). Continuing Professional Development Engagement And Pedagogical Competence of Public Elementary School Teachers. International Journal of Multidisciplinary Studies in Higher Education, 2(1), 77–104.
Author Biographies

Arnel Calamba Camral, University of Southern Mindanao - PALMA Cluster Campuses

Arnel Calamba Camral is a graduate of Bachelor of Elementary Education from the University of Southern Mindanao - PALMA Cluster Campuses, Aleosan, Cotabato, Philippines, in 2024. His research focuses on teacher education, particularly on continuing professional development and pedagogical competence.

Gideon Sindad Sumayo, University of Southern Mindanao - PALMA Cluster Campuses

Gideon S. Sumayo, LPT, PhD, is a faculty member at the University of Southern Mindanao - PALMA Cluster Campuses in Libungan, Cotabato, Philippines. He also serves as the Program Coordinator and Department Research Coordinator for the Bachelor of Secondary Education major in English and the Bachelor of Elementary Education programs. Dr. Sumayo holds a Doctor of Philosophy in Education major in Applied Linguistics from the University of the Immaculate Conception in Davao City, Philippines. He is also an associate member of the Department of Science and Technology - National Research Council of the Philippines. His research interests, which include several published papers in international peer-reviewed journals, encompass topics such as teacher education, English language teaching, and applied linguistics, employing quantitative, qualitative, and mixed methods.


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