The Relationship Between Attitude Towards AI and AI Literacy of University Students

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Russel Reyes
Jann Myles Mariñas
John Rhanel Tacang
Louie Jay Asis
Jeremy Matthew Sayman
Christine Cyril Flores
Zildjian Palima
Kenneth Sumatra


This quantitative study investigated the relationship between university students' artificial intelligence (AI) attitude and their AI literacy. The data from 423 students who were randomly selected in Region XI, Philippines, were gathered using adopted scales on AI literacy and attitude towards AI. The instruments were assessed using validity and reliability tests prior to the conduct of inferential analyses. The data was analyzed using descriptive and inferential statistics through the Jamovi software. The findings revealed that, while most students have positive attitude towards AI, their attitudes appeared to have no significant effect or relationship on their AI literacy. The study highlights the importance of practical AI education, arguing that elements such as exposure and institutional support are more important in improving AI literacy.

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How to Cite
Reyes, R., Mariñas, J. M., Tacang, J. R., Asis, L. J., Sayman, J. M., Flores, C. C., … Sumatra, K. (2024). The Relationship Between Attitude Towards AI and AI Literacy of University Students . International Journal of Multidisciplinary Studies in Higher Education, 1(1), 37–46.


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