The Relationship Between Financial Self-Efficacy and Financial Behavior of College Students
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This study examines the relationship between financial self-efficacy and the financial behavior of college students at the University of Mindanao. The study uses quantitative research and a non-experimental correlational approach. Power analysis was used as the sample size calculator, and 150 college students from the University of Mindanao were selected using proportional stratified random sampling. Data were gathered online via survey through Google Forms. The reliability and validity of the constructs were assessed using Cronbach’s alpha, average variance extracted, and heterotrait-monotrait ratio. Financial behavior and financial self-efficacy have a strong positive relationship, as indicated by the path coefficient of 0.742. The large effect size of f² = 1.222 shows that financial behavior has a significant impact on financial self-efficacy. The R-squared value of 0.550 indicates that 55% of the variance in financial self-efficacy is explained by financial behavior.
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