Coffee Culture and Mental Health: A Qualitative Exploration of Perceptions and Experiences of Coffee Enthusiast
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Coffee has become a part of daily life, offering comfort, connection, and structure through shared rituals and routines. Exploring the experiences and perceptions of coffee enthusiasts displays its deeper cultural and personal significance beyond being just a drink. Through a phenomenological approach, the research gathered insights from ten coffee enthusiasts in Malaybalay City, concentrating on their lived experiences and interactions with coffee culture. By carefully selecting participants who met specific criteria, the study provided a detailed and authentic account of their engagement with coffee. The findings highlight coffee as an integral part of participants' strategies for managing stress, maintaining emotional balance, and enhancing social bonds. Key patterns identified include the beverage's ability to provide a structured break, enhance focus, and create a sense of normalcy through routine, offering emotional stability and practical coping mechanisms. This dynamic relationship underscores coffee's practical and symbolic importance in fostering emotional resilience and interpersonal connection. Coffee serves as a multifaceted tool for mental health, offering emotional resilience, stress relief, and strengthened social connections through its rituals and cultural significance.
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