Some requirements for publishing in APJETPS include:

  • Authors must check for similarity to avoid plagiarism and ensure faster publication.
  • Manuscripts must be original and not under consideration elsewhere.
  • Conference papers may only be submitted if completely rewritten and with necessary permissions from the copyright owner, if applicable.
  • Briefs and research notes are not accepted.
  • All authors must declare they have read and agreed to the content of the submitted manuscript.
  • The full Publication Ethics statement is available.
  • This journal publishes Open Access articles with an Article Processing Charge (APC), allowing authors to retain copyright.

All manuscripts must be submitted in English. Authors are responsible for checking, editing, and correcting the language in both new and revised articles. Original manuscripts should typically be between 6000-8000 words, excluding figures, tables, and references. However, high-quality submissions exceeding 8000 words will also be considered. Authors are encouraged to write as concisely as possible without compromising clarity.

Organization of Manuscript

Title and Author Details

    • Title: The title should be concise and informative.
    • Authors: List all authors’ full names, affiliations, and corresponding email addresses. Include an asterisk (*) for the corresponding author.

Editorial and Publication Information

    • Provide the names of academic editors and include the dates of submission, acceptance, and publication.


    • Length: Maximum of 200 words.
    • Content: Should briefly cover:
      • Background: Why the study was needed.
      • Method: Summary of methods used.
      • Results: Key findings.
    • Tone: Avoid exaggerating the results or findings.


    • Include at least three keywords separated by semicolons.


    • Discuss the theoretical background and previous research concisely.
    • Clearly mention the study's main objective or research question.
    • Citations: Follow APA style for referencing.

Materials and Methods

    • Include all necessary data and methods.
    • If the data is large, provide access to it via a public database.
    • If ethical approval is required, include details such as protocol number and institution name.


    • Present the results clearly using tables, figures, or schemes when appropriate.
    • Subsections: Organize the results section using subsections if needed.

Figures and Tables

    • Cite figures and tables in the text (e.g., Figure 1, Table 1).
    • Place them near where they are first mentioned.

Mathematical Equations

    • Equations should be formatted and numbered sequentially.


    • Discuss the study's results and their implications.
    • Mention potential limitations and directions for future research.


    • This section is optional if the discussion is sufficiently comprehensive.

Supplementary Materials

    • List any supplementary material, such as figures, tables, or videos, along with their links for access.

Author Contributions

    • Mention each author's contribution using the CRediT taxonomy.


    • Include funding statements, even if no external funding was received.

Institutional Review Board Statement

    • Include ethical approval details, if applicable.

Informed Consent

    • Provide statements about informed consent, where relevant.


    • Acknowledge any additional support received for the study.

Conflicts of Interest

    • Declare any conflicts of interest or state that there are none.


    • Use appendices to provide additional materials cited in the text.
