Complaints Policy
Asia Pacific Journal of Educational Technologies, Psychology, and Social Sciences (APJETPS) is committed to addressing all complaints promptly and constructively. Each complaint is reviewed by the Editorial Team based on its nature and complexity, with guidance from the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) to ensure fair and ethical resolutions.
Suggestions or complaints should be directed to the journal’s official email address: We aim to respond to all complaints within thirty working days. If the issue requires additional time for investigation due to complexity, the complainant will be informed of the extended timeframe.
To facilitate an effective review, complaints should be clear, specific, and include sufficient details to illustrate potential breaches of the journal’s ethical standards. Supporting documents or evidence related to the complaint should be provided when possible.
Complaints that fall outside the scope of the journal’s responsibilities, such as personal grievances against authors, editors, or reviewers, will be acknowledged with an explanation of why the matter is beyond the journal’s purview. The journal will not respond to complaints that are submitted in an offensive, threatening, or defamatory manner and reserves the right to discontinue correspondence in such cases.