Bridging Language and Culture: A Study of the Meanings and Values in Maguindanaon Idioms
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This study explores Maguindanaon idioms, focusing on their meanings and the moral, social, spiritual, political, and cultural values they convey. Using an ethnolinguistic approach and qualitative research design, data were collected through semi-structured interviews, focus group discussions, and document analysis from native speakers in Patadon, Kidapawan City, Philippines. Findings reveal that Maguindanaon idioms serve as linguistic tools for preserving cultural identity, teaching ethical values, and strengthening social cohesion. Specifically, idioms highlight moral values such as honesty (Di maluto pagyawn – “not fully cooked” as a metaphor for dishonesty), perseverance (Di mapaulan sa timos – “unbeatable” reflecting resilience), and humility (Malambet i kakulang – “high jump” warning against arrogance). Social values promote unity (Pikit a suli – “inseparable”), while spiritual idioms emphasize belief in divine will (Nawma na ukol – “destiny struck,” signifying fate and submission to God's plan). Political values critique leadership ethics, while cultural values encourage intelligence and wisdom (Molad i itungan – “broad-minded” symbolizing deep thinking). The study concludes that Maguindanaon idioms play a crucial role in language preservation, moral education, and intercultural awareness. Their integration into educational curricula can enhance cultural appreciation, ethical development, and critical thinking, ensuring the continuity of traditional values.
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