Aim & Scope
IJPLH welcomes submissions that address a broad range of topics within philosophy, linguistics, and the humanities, including but not limited to:
- Ethical, metaphysical, and epistemological inquiries in philosophy
- Sociolinguistics, psycholinguistics, and applied linguistics
- Cultural studies, literary analysis, and the intersections of art and humanities
- Interdisciplinary approaches exploring the interplay of language, culture, and thought
- Philosophy of language
- Philosophical discourse
- History of philosophy and its modern reflections
- Philosophy of gender
- Philosophy of education
- Political philosophy
- Cross-cultural studies
- History and theory of culture
- Logic and philosophy
- Theory of politics
- Spirituality and religion understanding
- Ethnology
- Folklore
- Sociolinguistics
- Theoretical and applied linguistics.
- Sociolinguistics, psycholinguistics, and language acquisition.
- Discourse analysis, pragmatics, and semiotics.
- Language policy, planning, and preservation.
- Language Learning and Education
- Innovative approaches and methodologies in language learning.
- The use of digital tools and technologies in language education.
- Strategies for teaching and learning in diverse and inclusive settings.
- Language assessment and curriculum development.
- Literature Studies
- Literary theory, criticism, and comparative literature.
- Exploration of genres such as poetry, drama, and narrative fiction.
- Intersections of literature with philosophy, history, and society.
- Literary representations of cultural, environmental, and social issues.
- Translation studies and the globalization of literature.
- Interdisciplinary Research
- Intersections of language, literature, and digital media.
- Cultural studies and the role of language and literature in identity formation.
- Literature's engagement with technological, political, and ethical questions.
- Language and literature in the context of global and local transformations.
The journal aims to contribute to global academic conversations by publishing articles that are innovative, rigorous, and impactful.