A Historical Trends and Emerging Innovations in English Language Teaching: A Systematic Review
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This study systematically investigates the historical trends in English Language Teaching (ELT) methodologies from 2020 to 2024 using PRISMA guidelines. The initial search identified 430 records from databases, including Mendeley (191), ScienceDirect (238), and PubMed (1). After title and abstract screening, 43 articles underwent full-text review, and 22 articles meeting the inclusion criteria were analyzed. These articles were categorized into key themes: technology integration (7 articles), blended learning models (5 articles), teacher training and development (4 articles), critical pedagogy (3 articles), and innovative assessment practices (3 articles). The findings reveal significant transformations in ELT methodologies. AI tools like ChatGPT enhance personalized learning and classroom interaction, while blended learning models, such as flipped classrooms and translanguaging, promote critical thinking and cultural inclusivity. Teacher training programs emerged as pivotal, particularly those focusing on TPACK frameworks for effective technology integration. Critical pedagogy addresses social equity and localized ELT adaptations, while HOTS-based assessment strategies advance critical thinking, though challenges in implementation remain. This study concludes by emphasizing the alignment of ELT practices with global advancements and regional needs while proposing longitudinal research to evaluate the sustainability of these trends. These insights contribute to the ongoing development of inclusive and effective ELT methodologies.
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