Reading Practices and Reading Environments Among Grade 6 Pupils In A Public Elementary School
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This study examined the reading practices and reading environments of Grade 6 pupils at a public school in Alamada, Philippines. It focused on their socio-demographic characteristics, reading practices and environments, and the support they receive at home and school. Employing a descriptive-correlational design, data were collected from 36 pupils using a validated survey questionnaire. Findings indicate that most pupils frequently engage in enjoyable reading activities, such as reading as a hobby or selecting materials they like. However, limited access to public libraries, insufficient parental involvement, and inadequate support in the home environment are the challenges that hampered further development of their reading practices. Statistical analysis indicated a strong positive relationship between reading practices and reading environments (r = 0.635, p < 0.001), underscoring the importance of motivation, parental support, and access to resources in fostering literacy. The study concluded that while socio-demographic factors had minimal influence on reading practices, the reading environment significantly affected pupils’ habits and attitudes toward reading. Recommendations include incorporating regular library visits, guided reading activities, and stronger parental engagement to support pupils’ reading development. The study highlights the need for resource allocation and supportive interventions to create conducive reading environments for elementary pupils. Future research should explore broader demographics and environmental factors to provide deeper insights into enhancing literacy practices among young learners.
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